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Points and Prizes

Can you earn cash and prizes just for surfing around to your friends profiles? You bet!

Here's the info on the Rays, Points and Prizes that you're earning right now!

The Basics:

Users will earn Rays and Points for doing fun things within the Red Light Center Virtual World and Social Center.

Rays (and Particles) will be the cash that you use to buy things within the Virtual World and the Social Center (such as Gifts, Possessions - like special clothes, furnishings for Zaby's, unique animations like special dance moves and sex moves; Rays will also be used to buy tickets to limited events; and Rays will be traded by users to each other for other goods and services).

YES! YOU ARE PERMITTED TO BUY AND SELL RAYS FOR CASH in private or in auctions – however you like.

Points come in four varieties: Popularity, Karma, Sexiness and Friendliness. Click on the "tips" button beside each point-type to see how to earn those points. Points have a limited lifetime, so you will start to lose points if you stop earning them.

You will be able to include points in your searches (so you can find people with high point-levels if you are looking for sexy, friendly, kind or popular people…)

In addition, Points earn you PRIZES!

One main PRIZE that you can earn is a BADGE in the Virtual World if you get a level 9 Title!

If you earn a Badge, it is only yours for as long as you keep enough points so that you are Level 9.

Here is a quick-guide to the Titles that you can earn and what it takes to get them. Note that for Popularity Titles, you must have at least the same level of Karma. So, for example, if you are Popularity level 6, but Karma level 3, you only get the level 3 Popularity title…

Title Level Popularity Karma Title Sexiness Title Friendliness Title
2 20 10 Wall Flower 10 Virgin 10 Moocher
3 50 25 Chiller 30 Experimenting 30 Acquaintance
4 100 50 Cool Guy/Gal 75 Open Minded 75 Companion
5 200 85 Krunky 150 Horndog / Biatch 150 Buddy
6 500 125 Big Shot 250 Pimp / Slut 250 Amigo
7 1000 200 Magnate 450 Sex Master / Mistress 450 Best Friend
8 2000 300 Celebrity 900 Porn Star 900 Brother / Sister
9* 5000 450 Cyber-Star 1500 Sex God / Goddess 1500 Kindred Spirit
* RLC Badges

NOTE: You cannot get a Level 8 Title unless you have given someone a Level 8 Gift; and you cannot get a Badge unless you have given someone a Level 9 Gift.

Here is a chart of Gift Levels, costs, and examples:

Level Cost Range in Rays Examples
1 0-10 (earns no Karma) No Level 1 gifts yet
2 11-20 Red Rose, Beer, Chocolate Kiss, Chicken Soup, Cards
3 21-50 Houseplant, Box of Chocolates, Teddy Bear, Kissy Lips
4 51-100 Dozen Roses, Birthday Cake, Bottle Wine, Balloons
5 101-200 Champagne, Friendship ring, Dinner for 2
6 201-500 Promise Ring, Aged Scotch, Romantic Evening, Day-spa
7 501-1000 Weekend Vacation, Top-shelf wine, Tennis bracelet, Bike
8 1001-2500 Diamond Ring, Cruise, Jet-ski, Hot-tub
9 2501+ Pearl Necklace, cars/vehicles, Luxury Cruise

More Details? Here you go…

Rays, Points and Possessions


Rays are the currency that will be used for transactions within Red Light Center, and later, throughout the Utherverse Virtual World Web.

Users can earn Rays for doing the things that they already enjoy doing. Some of those activities are described below. There are other ways to earn Rays, which you will have to figure out for yourselves.

Rays will be used for everything from buying Gifts to tipping erotic dancers. They will be available to give, trade and sell to other users.

(Partial Rays are called "Particles" Thus, ®5.65 is 5 Rays and 65 Particles).


Points, on the other hand, are earned by the user, and they cannot be given or traded. While Rays will never go away unless they are transferred by the user (subject to exceptions in our terms of service), POINTS DECAY OVER TIME. So, if a user earns 1000 Popularity points and then stops playing for two months, they will come back to find that they may have only 250 Popularity points left. If you stay away for too long, you may have zero!

Points are used for lots of things. They will help you in your search result rankings, and users will be able to add points as a search criteria (thus, only show people with at least 50 Karma points, or at least 500 sexiness points)

As you earn more points in any category, you can earn better titles. If you hit a high enough level, those titles can become badges that appear for you within RLC! Points will also be used to "unlock" certain special animations. Thus, with enough Friendliness points, you may find that you suddenly have special dance moves. Sexiness points may unlock, well, I bet you can guess what those would unlock ;)

This system is designed to be brought up in THREE PHASES. We are currently at the beginning of PHASE ONE:

Phase One: Rays are available to be earned, but they cannot be traded or spent. Popularity, Sexiness and Friendliness points can be earned, and users can achieve Titles, but badges are not available. No animations can be unlocked by points in this phase. Popularity Titles do not require Karma points to activate. (In later phases, you cannot earn a title with Popularity points alone. Karma points will be needed to activate the Popularity titles).

Phase Two: Web gifts become available. Giving a web gift will earn you Karma points. Web gifts cost Rays, and higher priced gifts earn you more Karma. The recipient of the gift earns Popularity points (higher value gifts also generate more Popularity points). Rays can be traded in this phase, and therefore, they can also be sold for cash (if you can find a buyer). Karma points will now be required to earn the Popularity/Karma titles.

Phase Three: Badges are now available for use in RLC when they are earned by having enough points. Animations can now be unlocked if users have enough points (once you earn an animation, it is yours to keep, even if you don't maintain the points needed for that animation). LATE THIRD PHASE: Gifts are now ported into RLC, so when you get a gift, it can be used by your avatar or in your Zaby!

How to earn Rays and Points:

Rays can be earned by doing anything from simply logging in to the social center to rating a picture or profile. When you upload pictures, make a blog entry, or get someone to view your profile, you'll earn Rays. (There are limits to how many Rays you can earn per day or per month for various activities).

If you want to earn sick amounts of Rays, try inviting a friend to join RLC. If you bring in a Basic user, you earn Rays! (You are welcome to participate in the Affiliate Program as well, so you can earn both Cash and Rays for inviting someone to try RLC out). Of course, if the user becomes VIP, you earn even more Rays :)

Points are earned for doing other kinds of things.

Adding friends, or getting added as a friend will earn you points. Getting your photos rated 9 or 10 earns you points, and if you have VIP pictures, you earn more points than you earn for basic pictures.

In phase 2 and 3, you will start earning points for doing things within RLC. So, when you spend time in RLC you earn points, when you, ahem, "fool around" with other users, you'll earn points and so on.

In phase 2, gifts will become available, and with them, Karma points! You'll earn Karma by giving gifts. Karma is largely used to modify other points, and Karma points will be needed to earn your proper titles and badges.

Utherverse® 2025