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VWW_Alliance's Profile
A Family That Stays Together Plays Together
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113 years old 
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VWW_Alliance is looking for allies
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Last Profile Login: 9/13/2010
Last World Login: Never
Member Since: 2/24/2010
General Info
I Am Here For: Unification of all
Marital Status: N/A
Children: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Smoke: N/A
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Occupation: N/A
Body Type: N/A
Height: 5' 9"
Ethnicity: N/A
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: N/A
Sexual Fantasies: N/A
Sex is Best: N/A
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: N/A
Cybersex Personality: N/A
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VWW_Alliance's Scoop
About me:

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. . Welcome to the page of the Virtual World Web Alliance. We are a collective of communities that delpoy drama, disrespect, and unethical loyalty. We believe in it takes a community to promote fun and enjoyment for all. Here in our fast growing community; we work together to promote each others events, and locations. Through love and respect of one another. At times you will find that the families of our alliance will dominate entire weekly/weekend events in the community for complete days. Such as Jersey Girls 2 which maintains afternoon and evening events on a weekly basis, or Club Jamrock which holds events every tuesday night with throw back tuesdays. Who runs the alliance; those families recognized by the House of U(Who's Who of U). Those families as of now that are standing are: HnD, 5W, DYN, GG, DLU, HBK(formally FFK), and MhWF. We are always looking for more to join us. We understand with the developement of the virtual world webs for individual owners need to find subtance of community. To enforce our presents in the directory to over ride the competive developers in their quest to dominate and cause division amongst family and friends. We of our Alliance council have noticed that when events of great capacity are held inside of the VWW's owned by individuals. The developers somehow use there Transporots to compete against the owners to gain public notice and draw from these events. So, as one the alliance and it's members work together to motivate our visitors into the direction of the more elaborate and culture locations of the utherverse.Where you will find many different individuals of many cultures sitting and getting along in various atmosphers. Why do we not compete against each other what for we are all here for fun. Eventhough we amongst ourselves may have differences. We work together to iron them out. Even the highest of this alliance has had to recieve advice from it's council and family in matters that required attention of no drama. We aren't a perfect organization. But we strive to maintain a level of resonable respect and ethics that will incorporate friendliness, and colaboration of friendship throughout our Virtual World Webs. To those just coming on to the RLC Welcome to The worlds of the Alliance, and to those regulars we say Welcome Home.

Who I'd like to meet:
RULES OF THE ALLIANCE Subject to change 1) All Families of the alliance must be registered to the House of U, or endorsed in writing by a Legitimately recognized Family, House, or Brotherhood/sisterhood. 2) No family will attempt a coup of another family by invoking membership from those families allied with the alliance. 3) Each Family will Select two Liason's to the council for proper communication; that liason will be responsible for properly relaying the concerns and actions of the council to their family leaders. 4) Respect council decisions and hold to them as best as possible. If any disagreement it should be brought to the council on an even feild. 5) No family should attempt to undermind the rules and ways of the Council. 6) Each family of the alliance will attempt to not run events over the others events. If they are shceduled on the same day. They will try to stagger the hours to avoid contention, and work to wards complete support of one another.
More About VWW_Alliance
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Families of the Alliance:

1) HnD

2) 5W

3) DYN

4) GG

5) HoGQ

6) HBK (Formally FFK)

7) DLU

8) CW

9) MwHf

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