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_KingDiver_CTSTR's Profile
Vitae animum nobis est
48 years old 
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Last Profile Login: 8/19/2015
Last World Login: 5/19/2012
Member Since: 12/8/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People
Marital Status: Happily Married
Children: Have children
Education: Post Grad
Religion: N/A
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Occupation: business owner
Body Type: Average
Height: 6' 0"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: Fetishes, Domination, Bondage, Costumes, Toys, Multiple People, Sadism & Masochism, Massage Oil, A Public Place, Exhibition & Voyeurism
Sex is Best: Casual, Passionate, Loving, Experimental, With a Stranger, Wild, Kinky
Cybersex: Yes
I Want You To: Talk Dirty to Me, Tell Me I'm The Best, Make Me Do It, Teach Me New Tricks, Tell Me Your Fantasy
Cybersex Personality: Amateur, Voyeur, Threesomes, The More The Merrier, Fun With Toys, Adventurous, Kinky, Wild, Role Player, Exhibitionist
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A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
_KingDiver_CTSTR's Scoop
About me:
Whether dreaded or reviled, the insular vampires of Clan Tremere are anything but ignored. Those who have heard of the clan’s doings are typically suspicious of the Tremere, and with good reason, for the Warlocks are aptly named. Through their own artifice, they have mastered a form of vampiric sorcery, complete with rituals and spells, that is as potent, if not more so than any other power of the Blood. Paired with the clan’s rigid hierarchy and the smoldering ambition so common among Warlocks, this power is an unsettling thing indeed to those who know what the Tremere are capable of doing. According to some Kindred records, the Tremere came into being as a clan very recently, at least by an immortal’s standards. Legend has it that during Europe’s Dark Ages, a cabal of human wizards enacted a great ritual over the slumbering body of an Antediluvian and thereby wrested for themselves the gift of vampirism. War followed soon thereafter the fledgling clan found itself besieged by enraged Kindred on every side. But the Tremere are nothing if not survivors. Their human magicks lost, they nonetheless managed to alter their rituals and wardings to utilize the power of their vitae. These magical skills, now practiced as the Discipline of Thaumaturgy, have ensured the Tremere’s place among the Kindred ever since. The Warlocks gladly play the games of diplomacy and intrigue with their newfound brethren. However, their dealings are always tinged with a touch of paranoia, for the Tremere know that the elders of no fewer than three clans bear them a terrible grudge that has yet to be repaid. Therefore, the Tremere work to cultivate what allies they can, even as they strive to heighten their magical mastery. No less is required for their survival. As a result, the childer of Clan Tremere are among the most driven and learned of all Cainites; few cross these undead sorcerers and escape unscarred. The Tremere are vampires of the Old World, but have traveled across the continents to establish footholds elsewhere. The clan’s seat of power lies in Vienna, where the Tremere elders convene in council and discuss the clan’s future direction. But many larger cities across the globe house Tremere "chantries" well-defended houses that are equal parts university, monastery and stronghold. There the Warlocks gather to exchange information and study their vampiric witchcraft, safe from the attentions of their rivals. Nickname: Warlocks Sect: The Tremere were more than glad to join the fledgling Camarilla when the sect was forming, and they quickly made themselves invaluable there. In fact, the Tremere are one of the linchpins of the sect. They have a marked interest in keeping the Camarilla strong, of course with their hated Tzimisce enemies directing their Sabbat minions against any Tremere they find, the Warlocks require allies. And with the valuable magical power they offer, the Tremere find the Camarilla glad to provide the support they require. With the Camarilla’s protection, the Tremere are free to pursue the arcane mastery they so avidly desire. Appearance: The sorcerous Tremere are typically imposing or sinister in mien. Some favor classic suits; others prefer a slightly more antiquated look, dressing in 1940s-cut suits, Edwardian finery or the simple black turtlenecks of the Beat era. Many wear charms or amulets inscribed with cabalistic or other arcane symbols, as a sign of their learning. Although individual Warlocks may run the gamut from immaculately precise to disheveled and eccentric, the vampiric sorcerers’ eyes always gleam with hidden insight and frightening acuity. Haven: While Warlocks may maintain their own individual havens (often complete with extensive libraries), the clan maintains a chantry in every city that harbors a strong Tremere presence. A chantry is open to any of Tremere’s bloodline and absolutely forbidden to all others. The Warlocks are infamous for their well-guarded havens; almost all boast mystical wards that even other Tremere would find difficult to circumvent. Background: Many Tremere dabbled in occult or other scholarly pursuits in life. However, a fascination with the unknown is hardly enough to draw a Warlock’s attention; clan members seek "apprentices" with aggressive natures and clear thinking, and care little for muddle-headed New Agers or befuddled conspiracy theorists. Clan Tremere has an unspoken tradition of sexism, and most of its elders are male. Tremere ancillae have become rather more open-minded of late, though, and draw ample numbers of suitably ambitious and persistent acolytes from both sexes. Free Twisted layouts at

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Are you a Vampire? Angel? Demon? or Human?

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You are a Vampire!
You love to drink blood and know the history about Vampires. You'll Live for a long time and You'll be with a vampire lover. XD
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i like to try things at least once and if they are fun again and again

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You feel free. Your loyal to your friends and family and you stick up for them whenever trouble comes about.
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What Is Your Inner Desire?

Your inner desire is sex. You are very kinky, and obviously horny. Be careful though, or you may have to suffer some consequences. I would look for someone with as much sexual desire as you, and who knows, you may have found a sex partner for life.
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Sunday, April 8, 2012 06:07 PM PSTReport Links

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