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SPring Swagbag 25
JedKhandr's Profile
What day is it... it's the weekend!!!
46 years old 
Austin, TEXAS 
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JedKhandr is RLC friendly!!!
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Last Profile Login: 2/16/2019
Last World Login: 4/23/2010
Member Since: 8/29/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People
Marital Status: Single
Children: Undecided
Education: College Graduate
Religion: Christian
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Occupation: Engineer
Body Type: Athletic
Height: 5' 7"
Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic
Languages: English, Spanish
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: A Real Girlfriend, An Online Girlfriend, or RLC One-Night Stands
Sexual Fantasies: Nothing Special, I just like to fuck
Sex is Best: Intimate and Experimental with your Partner
Cybersex: Yes
I Want You To: Invite me to Fuck
Cybersex Personality: Im a nice person, but my Avatar is a sex addict!
My Web Gifts

No gifts... yet.

JedKhandr's Scoop
About me:
I'm reserved by nature, but warm up to people fairly quickly. I like to travel, which I guess you can tell from my pictures. I'm in good physical condition, my hobby is weight-training. I usually go to the gym every day or try to. I'm an Engineer, so technology is my passion. I'm currently working as a Development Engineer, which probably means nothing to you so I won't bore you with the details.... see you in RLC!!!
Who I'd like to meet:
In real life I'm in search of a Long-Term Relationship, someone serious who is done with the games and doesn't lie and cheat. But until that special someone comes along, I'll be satisfied fucking around here in RLC! No pre-requisites to meet me in RLC, just come on up and start chatting. I like to hang out, dance, and fuck while in RLC. Feel free to approach me while in there, I'd like that! And to the girl who broke my RLC virginity, I miss you when you're not online!!!
More About JedKhandr
My Other Profile/Website Links:
click on the link above then click on the left-hand video that is called "Red Light Center vs MySpace" and you'll see how I feel about all those others, MySpace, Facebook, Hi5... yeah, all those non-3d boring sites! Fuck that shit!

Weight Training, Electronic Hobbyist, Gaming Junkie, Sex Addict
My Favorite Websites:
In order of my favorite genre: #1 80's / #2 Country / #3 Classic Rock / #4 Alternative Rock ........ I HATE RAP AND HIP-HOP! Take your gangster shit and shove it up your ass!
I rarely watch TV or movies. I'm either working or surfing the net. When I do watch a movie, just depends on my mood, drama, action, comedy, suspense... just a mood thing. But I will admit I'm a huge fan of TV drama like the old NYPD Blue series and I'm hooked on The Shield. When a good series gets released to DVD I'll usually track it down and watch it all in one sitting on the weekend.
I don't read unless it's for work.


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Profile Comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 09:27 PM PSTReport Links

Eric Pictures, Images and Photos Haven't Seen you in awhile. I miss you!

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