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VirginiaLove_MG's Profile
42 years old 
Temple of Love, CALIFORNIA 
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VirginiaLove_MG is off somewhere in Second Life, and having more fun there than I ever had in RLC.
Last Profile Login: 6/22/2010
Last World Login: 4/16/2009
Member Since: 1/25/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People, Satisfy Dharva's needs
Marital Status: Happily Married
Children: Undecided
Education: In College
Religion: Spiritual, but not Religious
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Occupation: High Priestess of Love
Body Type: Athletic
Height: 5' 6"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English, Erotic Touch
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Just Looking, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: A Virgin, Fetishes, Swapping, Domination, Bondage, A Beach, Costumes, Toys, Multiple People, Massage Oil, A Public Place, Exhibition & Voyeurism
Sex is Best: Casual, Passionate, Loving, Experimental, With a Stranger, Wild, Kinky
Cybersex: Yes
I Want You To: Talk Dirty to Me, Make Me Do It, Teach Me New Tricks, Tell Me Your Fantasy
Cybersex Personality: Seductress/Seductor, Experienced, Loving, Passionate, Innocent, Dominating, Voyeur, Threesomes, The More The Merrier, Fun With Toys, Nasty, Adventurous, Kinky, Passive, Wild, Role Player, Exhibitionist
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
Social Status
VirginiaLove_MG's Scoop
About me:

MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

I'm 5'-6" hot brunette, about 120lbs 34A's but I do want to do something about that. Me with a boob job sends chills down the backs of many of my friends, they know how bad I can be now. I'm a tease and a horn-dog now, but with boobs? I will own the world MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I am bisexual, and as much as I love boys, I am drawn more to girls :-). Just out to have fun !!!!! I don't have a webcam, and sorry guys, not interested in chatting via MSN messenger or Yahoo messenger or any messenger. I may accept your friend request, but if you have a dick as your profile picture, well, I have seen enough of them in my lifetime, and don't need to see anymore. RATE MY PICTURES PLEASE, AND DROP ME A NOTE YOU DID, I WILL GLADLY RETURN THE FAVOR...
Purity TestCongratulations, according to our experts, you are :

13% Pure

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The orange rose represents the passion of the High Priestess.

Who I'd like to meet:
Girls, women, and the occasional nice guy might be thrown in now and again to add a little flavor to the mix. GO TO PROFILEDESIRE.COM
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes

Vocal Individual Readily Giving Indulgence and Naughty, Intense Affection
Get Your Sexy Name - Adult Sex GIFs and Comments. - Adult Sex GIFs and Comments.
More About VirginiaLove_MG
My Other Profile/Website Links:
The Ultimate SEX Survey by game_gurl69
Do you like it rough or sensual?: both
Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? or both?: both
How often do you like to have sex?: is 20 times a day too much?
Is sex a top priority for you?: hell yes
Do you have sex face to face with your partner?: oh yes
How often do you get drunk and have wild, crazy sexy with a complete stranger?: not often enough
How do you feel about one night stands?: they happen
How many one night stands have you had?: too many
What's your favorite position?: all of them
Where's your favorite place to have sex?: the shower
Do you prefer to make love or f*uck?: fuck
Have you ever watched porn while having sex?: oh yes
How long do you usually fore-play b4 doing the deed?: until i cant take any more
Do you get off first or do they?: i better
Do you like kissing during sex?: oh hell yess
Do you moan? If so, are you loud or quite?: i am LOUD
Do you prefer your partner to be loud or quite?: loud
Does size matter (for girlz-- dicks/for guyz-- boobs)?: hell yes
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: 15
How many sexual partners have you have in the last month?: i wont tell
What does your favorite fore-play include?: kissing
Do you ever play with yourself during the act?: oh yes
Do you prefer to sleep with randoms or one person?: i'll get back to you on that
Have you ever done anal? If so, did you like it?: yes and oh yes
When and where was your wildest sex ever?: hehehe
What's your ultimate sexual fantasy?: i live mine
Have you ever done porn?: a little
Have you ever have sex for money?: YES
Have you ever bribed someone to sleep with you?: never had to
Is the sex still good when your cheating?: sometimes
During sex... what are you thinking about?: how i never want that feeling to stop
Do you prefer the top or the bottom at first?: bottom
How many positions do you like to do during one episode?: 6
Do you ever worry about how your pleasing your partner?: of course
Could you live without sex?: hell no
How often do you find sex boring?: never
How long does a typical sexual episode last for you?: 30min
Do you like to perform oral sex?: yess
Do you like to recieve oral sex?: oh yess
Have you ever taped yourself in the act?: yes (giggles)
Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some?: yes\no\no
Have you ever had interracial sex?: nope
Have you ever been caught in the act? If so, by whom?: yes by roommate
Have you ever had sex while at work?: nope
Have you ever had sex while at school?: nope
What is something that you would never consider doing?: animals
Have you ever had sex on drugs?: yes
Would you ever have sex in public?: yes
What's your biggest turn on?: a beautiful woman
Do you spit or swallow?: swallow
How many times have you gotten off in one night?: 5
Would you let other people watch you have sex live?: yess
Have you have ever sex in front of your best friend?: not anymore
Have you ever had sex with your best friend's b/f or g/f?: nope
Do you ever have sex in the shower?: oh yess
What's the weirdest place you've ever done it?: on the roof
What was the biggest age difference with a partner?: 19 years
Do you feel your up to par in bed?: i am awesome
Are you still gonna have sex when your 70?: i better
What was your most embarrassing sexual moments?: when the guy came the second he put it in
How old is "too young" to have sex your in opinion?: 18
Do you like to be completely naked or half-assed?: both
Have you ever done it at your grandparent's?: nope
Have you ever done it on a boat/yacht?: not yet
What's the most public place that you can think of that you've had sex at?: a concert
Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back?: all three
Do you were protection as often as you should?: yes
Has any of your one night stands resulted in a child that you know of?: not one
If your over 18, have you ever had sex with someone under 18?: never
Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you?: depends
What's the perfect size? (for girlz-- inches in dicks/for guyz-- cup size)?: i'll get back to you on this
Have you ever done bondage sex (chains,whips,etc.)? If not, would you?: no, but who knows
Have you ever slept with someone out of pity?: not yet
Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life?: oh yes
If you could sleep with ANYONE, would would it be?: Dharva
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My Favorite Websites:

Alternative, Techno, Rock, Classic Rock

The Princess Bride, like the best movie ever. The Crow; too many others that I am drawing a blank on.

Love is the Bridge

Love is a magical thing
Love can span the distance
Love is the bridge
That spans the gap between our hearts

It is love that allows our hearts
To become one from two
Love is our bridge
Cross it freely, to my heart

By Dharva for Virginia Photobucket


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010 02:13 AM PSTReport Links  New!

Girly Comments & Graphics

Wishing you a most wonderful and pleasant week. Kisses XOXOXOXOX Jenny

Thursday, June 10, 2010 03:49 AM PSTReport Links  New!


Saturday, May 29, 2010 10:43 PM PSTReport Links  New!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009 06:28 PM PSTReport Links

Thousands of Sexy and Funny Images
Touch the Darkness
Love you baby...........mmmmmm

Monday, June 15, 2009 08:55 AM PSTReport Links

lesbians making out
Sexy Comments And Graphics

Saturday, June 6, 2009 10:53 PM PSTReport Links

You’ve got a friend……….. When youre down and troubled……. And you need a helping hand……. And nothing, whoa nothing is going right…………. Close your eyes and think of me….. And soon I will be there……. To brighten up even your darkest nights PhotobucketPhotobucket

Saturday, June 6, 2009 10:52 PM PSTReport Links

You’ve got a friend……….. When youre down and troubled……. And you need a helping hand……. And nothing, whoa nothing is going right…………. Close your eyes and think of me….. And soon I will be there……. To brighten up even your darkest nights PhotobucketPhotobucket

Friday, May 15, 2009 05:48 AM PSTReport Links

close friend day
Friendship Quotes Comments And Graphics

Friday, May 8, 2009 10:22 PM PSTReport Links

HARDCORECOMMENTS.COM To most beautiful Angel lots of hugs and kisses.

Friday, May 1, 2009 07:54 PM PSTReport Links


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