General Info
I Am Here For: |
N/A |
Marital Status: |
N/A |
Children: |
N/A |
Education: |
N/A |
Religion: |
N/A |
Smoke: |
N/A |
Drink: |
N/A |
Occupation: |
N/A |
Body Type: |
N/A |
Height: |
N/A |
Ethnicity: |
N/A |
Languages: |
N/A |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
N/A |
Sexual Fantasies: |
N/A |
Sex is Best: |
N/A |
Cybersex: |
N/A |
I Want You To: |
N/A |
Cybersex Personality: |
N/A |
 My Web Gifts
 andria12's Scoop
About me:
I am Andria i dont know why i have this website it looked like fun so i got it umm, i have 3 dogs =] turbo , tyson , dozer >| dozer is an airdale & a lab tyson is a pitbull\boxer & turbo my puppy is just a small cute dog hmm, i dunnoo what to talk about but, i am a fun person to hang out with i have a short temper i hate spiders bugs but , i will touch them idk why but, now i am boreddd =]]
Who I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet many people the twilight people or , new moon also, I can not remember his name but he is in step up 1 and, dear john oh , channing tatum he is so cute also, t.i. , Mariah Carey , Megan Foz idk why ? but many many more people but too many to think of right now
 More About andria12
My Other Profile/Website Links:
I am Andria i go on( imvu my name is - andria12 on imvu)( ps3 online name is - andriaaa) ( stardoll is - andria12312) myspace - Andria Crandall or - kelly145@aol.com) i play codmw2 so everyone add me i dont have a 360 i dont want at all!
call of duty modern warfare 2 , family , friends, myspace, taking pictures , my i-pod, my dogs , my cats ,california & much much more
My Favorite Websites:
www.imvu.com www.stardoll.com www.dressupgames.com www.myspace.com www.millsberry.com ? <-- =]]
i love basiclly anything besides coutry i like paramore t.i mariah carey i hate beyonce not her music! i hate jay-z and his music and same as rihanna i like chris brown & more
a walk too remember
the note book
nothing but trouble
the time travelers wife
the collecter
i am legend
any zombie movies
all michael myers movies besides the ones that are currnetly made by , Rob Zombie
Life time movies =]
uhh, books i cant read i just hate it i get to distracted to read and , i forget so quick!