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Maria_IVF's Profile
Todos los días la gente se arregla el cabello, ¿por qué no el corazón? Che Guevara
59 years old 
Ponce, Puerto Rico, State N/A 
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Last Profile Login: 9/23/2023
Last World Login: 6/15/2021
Member Since: 7/4/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: Distraction
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: Have children
Education: College Graduate
Religion: Other
Smoke: Yes
Drink: No
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: More to love!
Height: 5' 6"
Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic
Languages: English, Spanish
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Social Encounters, Just Looking, Real Life Relationship, Distraction & Fun
Sexual Fantasies: Fetishes, Domination, Bondage, Sex
Sex is Best: In a Relationship, With the one *I* like
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: Converse and have fun
Cybersex Personality: Only know my real sexuality
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UPDATE: {Very Important} *I* am not into rendezvous, if you are looking for just having a rendezvous, good luck finding a like minded partner. *I* had always dislike friends and boyfriends referrals. *I* am completely able to make my own friends and find my own men, so please do not refer me neither one. People click naturally. Enough said. If you are into mind games or questioning...just look for one that enjoys it. *I* am not into mind games, entiende?

*I* am just a lovely minx, enough said. *I* do enjoy conversations but greatly dislike been questioned, so... just keep it simple!!! Just joined this site for distraction and fun, so lets keep it that way and enjoy this site. *I* am a non homophobic heterosexual that enjoys and respects other preferences as same that *I* will expect mines are respected. *SMILE*

Who I'd like to meet:
Fun, non pushy, non questioning friends and partners {men} *SMILE* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mas Pensamientos Comentarios y Graficos

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

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A soul from Venus with a sexual appeal 8.9 of 10.

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More About Maria_IVF
My Other Profile/Website Links:
Besides keeping my life and family going... meeting people, conversations, orquids, exotic birds, movies, among others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Minx Administering Rapturous Intense Affection
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What color is your heart?

Giggly Pink
Giggly Pink
you are flirty, loving, happy and cheerful. You lov e life and live in the moment.
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80's, rock, jazz, instrumental, love songs...
This list is long. *SMILING*
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Not into reading, and pushing myself to attain the reading habit again.
Buried at Photocasket
Buried at PhotoCasket

You Are a Jaguar
You have a knack for reforming, balancing, and even healing people.
You see the good in everyone, and you help bad people learn to be better.

Even though you connect to people, you can't help but feel separate from everyone else.
You often feel like you are on the outside looking in, even with your closest family members and friends.

Which dragon element are you?

your attacks are fast and swift before any of your enemies can even blink or think to take you down.
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Business minded and a natural leader, you are a canidate to be embraced by the Ventrue clan. You can be rather dominant with a high stamina however, you tend to have obsessive compulsive tendencies...especially when it comes to your food. You are the clan the others look to organize groups and factions. Generally princes are among this clan.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

The Ventrue Elegant, aristocratic and regal, the Ventrue are the lords of the Camarilla. It was Clan Ventrue that provided the cornerstone of the Camarilla, and it is Clan Ventrue that directs and coaxes the Camarilla in its darkest hours. Even in the modern age, the majority of princes descend from Clan Ventrue. The Ventrue would, of course, have things no other way. In the tradition of noblesse oblige, the Ventrue must lead the other clans for their own good. In ancient nights, Ventrue were chosen from nobles, merchant princes or other wielders of power. In modern times the clan recruits from wealthy "old-money" families, ruthless corporate climbers, and politicians. Although Ventrue move in the same social circles as the Toreador, they do not fritter away their existences in frivolity and idle chatter. The Ventrue proudly wear the privileges of leadership, and stoically bear its burdens. Thus has it always been; thus shall it always be.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

what vampire clan are you in

rank 1 elder
rank 1 elder
Cresent Moon
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What kind of Vampire godess are you?(girl version)

Dark/Scary Vampire
Dark/Scary Vampire
You have an "Out of my way!" kind of attitude. You will do what ever it takes to get what you want. You will take down anyone who challenges you or gets in your way. Some other female vamps may feel like they can take you on but you'll just show them who's top Vamp.
How do you compare?
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