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ODT_Family's Profile
Do not Meddle in the Affairs of Dragons, for you are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
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ODT_Family speak politely to an enraged dragon....
Last Profile Login: 4/14/2016
Last World Login: 3/12/2016
Member Since: 2/16/2015
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ODT_Family's Scoop
About me:
The Order of the Dragon Tzimisce are a Combat Role Play Family. Our Bloodline is part of the Dominion! Our Lineage can be traced back to ImpGod_Ramse and ImperialGod_Onyx . Vampyre Knights, usually from the realm of Bretonnia. They desire mastery in military combat and strategy, both magical and physical. Their goal is to succeed in mastering combat, flight, fire, healing and obtaining the same ability to walk in sunlight and of permanently suppressing the need to drink human blood to survive as their leader, Bulwyf did. They descend from an order of mortal knights called the Order of the Blood Dragon, whose fortress monastery was the Blood Keep. This now ruined fortress lies in the Grey Mountains, and is southeast of the city of Nuln. The fortress guarded the mountain pass to Bretonnia, and the Order's Knights were pledged to the protection of the people of the surrounding area. DTK are vampyre dragons can appear as both dragon and human. Essentially they are hybrids being both humanoid and dragon. Except for the youngest dragons, they tend to be quite large—usually at least as big as an elephant, and often much larger. They have wings and are able to fly, and are quadra-pedal. They are highly intelligent and are able to speak multiple languages, their keen intellect makes them especially fond of puzzles and riddles. In addition to vampire powers they are magical in nature, and this nature is expressed as an affinity for some type of elemental power; naturally able to cast magical spells, as well. Dragons have the ability to breathe or expel one or more types of energy associated with their elemental affinity, as well as bearing increased resistance to damage or injury from any other sources of such energy. Dragons are egg-layers, and have sharp teeth, horns, and claws. A dragon is protected by its scaly hide, the color of which is determined by the dragon's species, and which also offers a visual clue to the specific elemental nature of each species of dragon. Each species of dragon has a particular temperament associated with it, as well as a deeply rooted moral outlook derived from that temperament; these factors underlie the personality and behavior of each individual dragon. Dragons are naturally immune to magical attacks; specifically mind control. Additionally they can see the indivisible as well as see into the infrared spectrum. They are immensely strong physically and tend to grow larger and more powerful with age. Dragons have an enormous appetite for collecting and hoarding anything valuable; not limited to treasure but also rare objects and even beautiful women. They are insanely greedy when it comes to indulging their passions but are extremely patient when it comes to exacting revenge. Their longevity often makes them seem aloof when it comes to human affairs. However they are very petty when it comes to matters of which they take offence. Crafty and strategic in nature, dragons have been known to wait generations before eliminating an entire family line to rectify a perceived wrong. (Many a young farmer has met an untimely death resulting from a dragon's wrath due to an adventurous forbear.)

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