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PNSS_Wildone_SFK's Profile
family to SDC
Sexuality: N/A 
110 years old 
Arch_SFK's Kingdom, State N/A 
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Last Profile Login: 12/13/2021
Last World Login: 2/18/2018
Member Since: 6/26/2014
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People
Marital Status: N/A
Children: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Smoke: N/A
Drink: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: N/A
Height: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: N/A
Sexual Fantasies: N/A
Sex is Best: N/A
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: N/A
Cybersex Personality: N/A
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
PNSS_Wildone_SFK's Scoop
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
KNIGHTS CODE OF HONOR THE KNIGHTS CODE OF HONOR (09.16.09) FAITH I (name) will keep faith with a profound sense of self respect and will serve the Goddess and my Family in valor, loyalty and honor. I will bear unrequited love, so that I may fully appreciate the beauty of love. CHARITY I (name) am strong yet gentle. I will have mercy on those seeking forgiveness, and on those who are in need of aid everyone. JUSTICE I (name) will protect the strength and honor of the weak and defenseless. SAGACITY I (name) will think before speaking for I am trusted and bound by my word. I am confident and hate arrogance. TEMPERANCE I (name) will respect the honor of women and men and teach those who doubt in themselves. RESOLUTION I (name) will persevere and be patient to the end in any enterprise begun with good humor and love for the example of all. I take daily action to train and grow stronger in mind body and spirit. TRUTH I (name) live by honor, compassion and glory in all things I use grace and dignity in my actions. I am at peace with myself and my higher power. LIBERALITY I (name) am fair, honest, and I hate lies, meanness and cruelty. I am a good friend and I help, advice and treat others well. DILIGENCE I (name) will never to turn the back upon a foe and will fight to defuse first then defend for the welfare of all. HOPE I (name) hope that as I act as an example to those around me, displaying virtue, chivalry, and kindness. VALOR I (name) will never refuse a challenge from an equal but will do so with common sense and not be baited to violence. I will guard the honor of my family and my fellow knights.
More About PNSS_Wildone_SFK
My Other Profile/Website Links:

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Layouts / Angel fire wings / Funny Pictures

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***** BY JOINING THE FAMILY YOU AGREE TO WEAR THE SFK TAG GIVEN BY GD_ARCH_SFK WITH PRIDE, IF AT ANY TIME YOU CHANGE YOUR TAG TO ANY OTHER, WITH OUT NOTICE OR DISCUSSING IT WITH GD_ARCH_SFK, YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE FAMILY.***** 1.) ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA!!!! If there are any issues with anyone in the family bring the issues to me KG_COLTFORD_SFK as we are the owner and in full charge of this family. IF we are not available you are to go to Qn_LILITH_SDC 2.) NO INCEST ALLOWED IN THE FAMILY 3.) All new family members will be on a MANDATORY 14 days probation period. which in that time period you do not receive a title or get to add the SFK tag tell after your evaluation to determine if your right for this family or if this family is right for you. 4.) ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL TO ALL FAMILY MEMBERS AND ALWAYS SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER THAT IS HIGHLY EXPECTED IN THIS FAMILY PERIOD NO EXCEPTIONS. REMEMBER RESPECT, TRUST, AND LOYALTY ARE IMPORTANT TO US. 5.) All family issues and real life problems please keep to a private PM family group chat is for FUN and a great place to meet everyone. So ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA PLEASE!!! 6.) We do not honor kill scripts. WE ARE A NON ROLE PLAY family. 7.) ABSOLUTELY NO DRAMA...WE DO NOT LIKE DRAMA AND WILL NOT TOLERATE NONE OF THE DRAMA IF THERE IS ANY IT IS AN AUTOMATIC TERMINATION. 8.) NO POACHING-WHAT IS POACHING? THIS MEANS WE DO NOT ASK OTHER MEMBERS OF ANOTHER FAMILY TO JOIN OUR FAMILY. WE DO NOT STEAL OTHER TAGGED MEMBERS FROM OTHER FAMILIES. IF SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER FAMILY COME TO US WE WILL SIT DOWN AND HAVE A CHAT WITH THIS PERSON BEFORE MAKING ANY DECISIONS. 9.) HAVE FUN…..ENJOY…..ENJOY…..ENJOY 10.) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCHANGING OF FAMILY CHATS TO OTHER FAMILIES TO CAUSE CONFLICTS OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. 11.) BE RESPECTFUL: Your actions reflect back on this family. Keep all family matters inside the family, never discuss SDC issue's with others outside the family. Never argue or fight in local disrespecting yourself, other members, or the head of the family. Respect is earned and there is a fine line between it and fear. The way to earn and keep someone's respect is to first respect yourself. 12.) BELONGING: Creating a strong family unit is important and knowing that each person is different. Everyone needs their own space and freedom to explore, but knowing you have a safe place to call home and people to call SDC family when things aren't working out. All problems and issue's can be brought forward an deal with if not part of family then it not issue 13.) UNDERSTANDING: In any family, there are problems that arise. Everyone makes mistakes. SDC will always take feelings, thoughts, needs, and preferences into account when making decisions that effect one member or decisions that effect the family as a whole. 14.) HONESTY The foundation for lasting relationships. Without honesty connections will not form and certainly won't last. We encourage honesty by practicing understanding and respect. When someone is being told of their wrong doing it is always done in a manner that does not disrespect the disciplined family member, but encourages them to always be open, honest, and to take personal responsibility for their own actions. The SDC family doesn't ask for much and we always like to ensure happiness within our family. Have fun, LIVE LOVE LAUGH.


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